Q: How can I supply California Finest in my Dispensary or delivery service?
A: Download our Product Information Deck

Q: How do I order?
A: New customers need to be verified as legally qualified CA medical marijuana patients to order California Finest product. You are able to register via online here. Once verified you will be contacted within 72 hours and can place an order. Existing verified patients please Call (855) 420-7279 to place your order now. Overnight shipping is available in California. - California Finest operates in compliance with CA Prop 215 & SB420. Qualified California medical marijuana patients only.

Q: Is this for real?
A: Yes, this is the real deal. No Photoshop tricks. Just pure bud medical marijuana cigarettes in a killer embossed box. Each cigarette is individually sealed in it’s own wrapper and we include a closeable roach tube if you need to save an opened cigarette for later.

Q: Is there really a .7 gram in each cigarette?
A: Yes, and that’s the guaranteed minimum. Often there is more.

Q: Can anyone buy it?
A: No. You must have a valid California medical marijuana recommendation and be verified as a patient of Purple Cross RX Collective,. Also we only ship within California. So even if you are verified we can’t ship if you live out of state. Want to buy it locally? Ask your local dispensary to carry California Finest. We’ll gladly keep them stocked with your favorite strains.

Q: What’s in the box?
A: Each box contains five (5) individually wrapped medical marijuana cigarettes, a total of 3.5 grams net weight. Also included is a cool promotional trading card and a plastic sealable roach holder to keep un-smoked cigarettes fresh.

Q: Are they really hand rolled?
A: Yes. Each dosage is individually weighed to guarantee at least one gram in every cigarette and then they are hand rolled to perfection. Believe us, we’ve tried to figure out a way to speed it up, but the bud is just too sticky for an injection machine. So it’s old school all the way.

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